
The Place Names of Stourbridge, the Black Country and
their Environs:
Origins, meaning and interpretation
K James BSc(Hons) MSc PhD FIAP
This is a short introduction, for non-specialists, to
the subject of place names in the historical landscape. The article
discusses the origin and interpretation of some of the commonest place-name
elements and presents almost three hundred examples from the vicinity of the
Black Country. Topics covered include: place-name chronology; ethnic,
religious and cultural identity in place names; landscape terms; boundary
perambulations; and place-name migration and mutation. Several place names
around Stourbridge are examined in more depth. Brook Holloway; The Ham House
and Ham Lane; Hungary Hill; Wynall Lane; Catherwell (Meadow, House, Terrace,
Field and Saw Mill); Hanbury (Yearnebarrowe) Hill, Pepper Hill, and local
stream names are discussed together with other topics of regional importance
such as the Hwiccan kingdom; Kinver Forest; the Ismere Diploma; the province
of the Husmerę; the Swinford charter, and the origin of Pedmore.
The pages of this article include gutter margins and are intended to be
printed in A4 double-sided format.